Transitivity in Courtroom Language: A Unified Solution

Leanne Bartley May 18 8.15am-8.45am PST
Leanne Bartley is currently based between Simon Fraser University (Canada) and Granada University (Spain) carrying out postdoctoral research as a part of a 3-year Marie Curie Global Fellowship. With a particular interest in wrongful convictions and the language of sexual violence, her research to date has drawn on Critical Discourse Analysis, Corpus Linguistics, Systemic Functional Linguistics and Forensic Linguistics.

Miguel-Ángel Benítez-Castro
May 18 8.45am-9.30am PST
Miguel-Ángel Benítez-Castro is a Senior Lecturer in English language and TEFL methodology at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at the Teruel Campus of the University of Zaragoza, and since March 2021, also the Associate Dean for International Relations and Quality Assurance there. His main research interest lies in corpus-assisted discourse analysis, inspired particularly by Systemic Functional Linguistics, which he has managed to apply to his general focus on the interface between lexical choice, discourse structure and evaluation. Ever since he embarked on scholarly research in 2009, and upon completion of his PhD in 2013, this general interest has materialised, among others, in his previous and ongoing research on lexical cohesion and encapsulation, as well as on the psychologically-inspired refinement of SFL’s Appraisal Theory and its application to various contexts. His scholarly endeavours over the past eight years have been primarily aimed at scrutinising the workings of persuasive discourse and evaluation (emotion and opinion) in the press, in oral narratives of trauma and abuse, and in the speeches and online propaganda produced by populist leaders and jihadist terrorist groups. His close to twenty publications so far have featured in such high-impact journals as Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics, Australian Journal of Linguistics, International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, English for Specific Purposes, Applied Linguistics, Globalisation Societies and Education, and Pragmatics and Society.

Irene González Jimñenez
May 18 8.45am-9.30am PST
Irene González Jiménez received a Diploma in Occupational Therapy from the Creu Roja University in Catalonia in 2005. In 2018, Irene was awarded a degree in Psychology from the University of Oberta of Catalonia, before going on to complete her Masters in Criminal and Forensic Psychology at the University of Barcelona in 2020. Currently, Irene is a PhD student at the University of Córdoba (Spain) in the department of social sciences and is specializing in the areas of radicalization and violent extremism.

Katie Patterson May 18 8.45am-9.30am PST
Katie Patterson was awarded her doctorate at the University of Liverpool in 2016. Her research interests lie mainly in the areas of discourse analysis, semantics and pragmatics. She has published articles on theoretical aspects of metaphor identification (Journal of Psycholinguistic Research) and the relationship between metaphor, simile and polysemy (Metaphor and Symbol), as well as a monograph on lexical priming and metaphor (Routledge, 2018). She also worked as co-editor with Michael Pace-Sigge on a volume celebrating ten years of Hoey’s lexical priming theory (Benjamins, 2017). Since graduating, she has held teaching posts in Finland, Chile and the U.K. Recently, she was awarded an MSCA Individual Fellowship from the EU commission and is working on the project ISCID, which explores the identity construction and online discourse of Islamic extremist groups.

Encarnación Hidalgo-Tenorio
May 18 8.45am-9.30am PST
Encarnación Hidalgo-Tenorio is a Professor in English linguistics at the University of Granada, Spain, and has devoted herself to studying the use of language in contexts such as literature (especially Irish theatre), politics and the media. For over 25 years now, she has combined her academic interest in the relationship between language and gender, corpus-based critical discourse analysis, and key concepts developed within the framework of systemic-functional linguistics such as transitivity, modality and appraisal. Her aim is to identify and understand the strategies used by speakers when it comes to representing their inner and outer worlds, the social actors to which they refer, and thus finally build their own identity and their construal of others’. All of this has been successfully developed thanks to her participation and direction of several research projects from 2007 to 2022. She has also published a significant number of works using computer tools such as AntConc, Wmatrix, Wordsmith Tools or UAM CorpusTool to discover lexical, syntagmatic and evaluative patterns present in texts of all kinds. Thanks to the latter, she has been able to observe how power and solidarity are established verbally between the people who are active communicators, as well as the trace of veiled intentions in the linguistic expressions we weave together in our discursive performances. In the medium and long term, she plans to delve into the aspects mentioned above, combine qualitative with quantitative methods, and try to unravel some ins and outs of multimodal communication at the same time as continuing to endorse transdisciplinarity. Her team includes people from different places and with very different expertise such as political scientists, computer engineers, psychiatrists and discourse analysts. From 2017 onwards, they have been working on “Nutcracker”, an algorithm designed to detect sentiment and to monitor extremism.

Manuel Moyano Pacheco
May 18 8.45am - 9.30am PST
Manuel Moyano Pacheco is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Cordoba. He is a researcher and/or analyst in projects funded, among others, by the European Union, UN-UNITAR, START Center or different Ministries of the Spanish Government. He is currently scientific coordinator of the SPEY project ("Sport for Prevention of Extremism in Youth"), led by the UFEC and funded by the European Commission. He has published more than sixty scientific papers and technical reports, as well as several books and book chapters, on violent radicalization, terrorism, security, social exclusion, conflict and other psychosocial risks.

Lise Fontaine May 18 10.00am-10.45am PST
Lise Fontaine is a Reader at Cardiff University. She lectures mainly on functional grammar, word meaning, corpus linguistics, and psycholinguistics. Her research interests include functional grammar theory and, more specifically, the study of referring expressions. Currently she is leading the NaMeD research project (Nominality and Meaning Directness), which includes contrastive work on the semantic representations in the noun-verb continuum. In particular, she is interested in developing the concept of meaning potential in relation to lexis.

Jodie Martin
May 18 11.30am-12.15pm PST
Jodie L. Martin is an educational linguist and Academic English lecturer at Vantage College, University of British Columbia, where she teaches international Science students. She draws on systemic functional linguistics to unlock the secrets of language and provide access to powerful discourse. Her research investigates what she’s teaching and whether it’s working.

Michelle Aldridge-Waddon
May 19 9.00am-9.45am PST
Michelle Aldridge-Waddon is a Reader at Cardiff University. She lectures on psycholinguistics including communication disorders and child language acquisition and on forensic linguistics. Her research interests lie in the communicative experiences of vulnerable people including children with typical & atypical development, adults with a learning disability and rape victims. Her current research projects comprise nurse-nurse interactions during ward handover meetings, police interactions with victims of domestic abuse, community interactions using alternative & augmentative communication and creating easy read documents for prisoners. She is co-editor of the volume: Empirical evidences and theoretical assumptions in functional linguistics (Routledge 2021). She has written widely in journals such as cognitive linguistics, forensic linguistics, health and communication and language awareness.

Jennifer Walsh Marr
May 18 10.45am-11.30am PST
Jennifer Walsh Marr is an academic English lecturer at the University of British Columbia’s Vantage College. She holds a BA in Applied Linguistics and Japanese Studies, an MA in Curriculum & Instruction, and is a doctoral student in Language & Literacy Education at the University of Toronto’s Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Her research work has looked at intersections of power, identity and language in the academy, particularly with regards to Indigenous and settler histories in Canada, and incorporating Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL) and genre research into pedagogical practice. For her classroom practice, she draws on critical pedagogy and discourse analysis to facilitate her students’ familiarity with valued features of the disciplines.

Nuria Lorenzo-Dus
May 19 8.15am-9.00am PST
Nuria Lorenzo-Dus is Professor of Linguistics at Swansea University. Her research examines interpersonal and intergroup communication in cyber-crime contexts, with a particular focus on child sexual grooming and ideological extremism.  Her research has attracted substantial research funding and features extensive collaboration with academic teams and leading stakeholder groups worldwide. Nuria's latest initiative is Project DRAGON-S.

Lucrezia Rizzelli
May 19 10.15am-11.00am PST
Lucrezia Rizzelli is a doctoral candidate at the University of Oxford Centre for Criminology. She has a BS in psychological sciences and techniques from the University of Florence, and a MA in forensic psychology from John Jay College of Criminal Justice, where she conducted research on false confessions and forensic linguistics. Lucrezia’s current research is about whether capital punishment deters people from committing drug-related offences in the Indonesian context.

Tamara Levy
May 19 11.00am-11.45am PST
Tamara Levy, Q.C. is the co-founder and Director of the UBC Innocence Project at the Allard School of Law. She was called to the bar in 1998. She practiced as both defence and crown counsel before starting to teach at Allard in 2004. She has lectured on the topic of wrongful convictions for lawyers, judges, and students since 2007. She is also a co-founder and a current Director of the Criminal Defence Advocacy Society.

Maria Shepherd
May 20 8.30am-9.15am PST
Maria Shepherd was 21-years-old with two young children and pregnant with her third child when she was wrongfully charged with causing the death of her three-and-a-half-year-old step-daughter, Kasandra, on April 24, 1991. Maria’s wrongful conviction was the result of flawed evidence given by Charles Smith who, at the time, was revered as a paediatric forensic pathologist at Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children. After complaints about Charles Smith’s work in 2005, leading to a review of several of his cases by the Ontario Coroner’s Office, Maria’s wrongful conviction was re-examined. Subsequently, in 2007, a public inquiry was led by the Ontario Court of Appeal judge Stephen Goudge, which revealed that Maria’s step-daughter Kasandra had died of natural causes. In May 2009, the Ontario Court of Appeal allowed Maria to appeal her conviction, but it would take another seven years before her wrongful conviction was finally overturned. Since her exoneration, Maria has become a licensed paralegal and is also a director on the Innocence Canada Board of Directors. To add to this, Maria is heavily involved with the work surrounding International Wrongful Conviction Day, which was launched on October 2, 2014, in honour of everybody who has ever been wrongly convicted. Together with the unconditional support of her family and her colleagues and friends at Innocence Canada, Maria works tirelessly to prevent future miscarriages of justice and often shares her own story in order to expose the tragic consequences of a wrongful conviction.

Kristine Bunch
May 20 9.15am-10.00am PST
Kristine Bunch spent more than 17 years in prison after she was wrongfully charged with setting a fire that claimed the life of her three-year-old son, Anthony. Since her exoneration, Kristine has worked tirelessly for the wrongfully convicted and is currently the Executive Director of JustIS 4 JustUS, a non-profit organization dedicated to building community connections for every exoneree. She is also on the Board of Directors for Interrogating Justice, a non-profit organization that focuses on longstanding failures of the justice system.

Pamela Glatt
May 19 11.45am-12.30am PST
Pamela Glatt Pam is a passionate advocate for everything social justice. She has been teaching criminology at universities across the country for the past decade, currently at the school of criminology at Simon Fraser University, and previously at Western University, Ryerson University, University of Ottawa, and the University of Calgary. She holds a Juris Doctor (Law) as well as a Master of Arts (crim/soc) and her Bachelor of Arts, from Western University. Her areas of expertise (and passion!) include wrongful convictions, women and crime, and criminal law. Outside of teaching, Pam has immersed herself in the world of wrongful conviction advocacy! She does probono work with the Innocence Project at UBC Law working on applications for ministerial review. Pam’s most recent project, and largely the inspiration for her talk, stems from the organization she launched last year with some of her former students - The Wrongful Convictions Collective (WCC). The WCC is your virtual hub for wrongful convictions education and advocacy in Canada and beyond. The WCC has facilitated volunteer opportunities across the country. ranging from curriculum development and teaching in high schools and post-secondary institutions to working with media outlets to ensure they are reporting on wrongful convictions in an ethical and empathetic manner. In creating the WCC, it was important to Pam to take an exoneree-centered approach, and ensure that the voices of the wrongfully convicted were at the heart of the organization.

Win Wahrer
May 20 8.30am-9.15am PST
Win Wahrer is the co-founder and Director of Client Services at Innocence Canada, formerly known as the Association in Defence of the Wrongly Convicted (AIDWYC), a non-profit organization that helps with the exoneration of individuals. Win has worked on wrongful convictions for over 30 years and her hard work and dedication to seeking the truth and overturning the wrongful convictions of innocent people has saved the lives of so many people. Win brings hope to people during the darkest times of their lives and continues to provide them and their families support even after their exonerations. As the founder of one of the most successful advocacy groups in Canadian modern history, as well as a driving force behind International Wrongful Conviction Day, which was launched on October 2, 2014, in honour of those who have been wrongly convicted, Win is a true example of what it means to be a fearless advocate and courageous leader.

Roosevelt Glenn May 20 10.30am-12.30pm PST
Roosevelt Glenn was wrongfully imprisoned for 17 years before being released on parole, having served a sentence for a crime he never committed. In 1989, Roosevelt Glenn was accused of raping a woman after bad science matched Glenn’s hair to the scene (a mistake by the authorities), as well as a DNA analysis that, despite excluding him as a suspect, was instead dismissed as inconclusive. It would take 25 years for Glenn’s conviction to be overturned, after an Indiana wrongful conviction clinic decided to retest the DNA evidence using modern techniques, proving that Glenn did not have DNA matching that of the real perpetrators. Glenn’s story has been told by CBS News 48 Hours in an episode entitled Guilty until proven innocent as well as through his autobiography Innocent Nightmare.

Amanda Knox
May 20 10.30am-12.30pm PST
John Kamara spent 19 and a half years fighting against his wrongful conviction. His perseverance paid off. The web of lies spun by the Merseyside police of the time was revealed when over 200 non-disclosed statements were uncovered during an investigation by the Criminal Case Review Commission. John now talks at universities and miscarriage groups and has recently made a documentary with Raph Rowe for Sky TV.
John Kamara
May 20 10.30am-12.30pm PST

Greg Mingo May 20 10.30am-12.30pm PST
In 1980, a couple was killed in a double robbery-murder in Queens, NY. A year later, Greg Mingo found himself on trial for murder and, at 29 years old, facing a double life sentence. Greg maintained his innocence and even had an alibi witness, but after two trials, with the first ending in a hung jury, Greg was wrongfully convicted in 1982 and in January 1983, handed two consecutive life sentences. Greg was finally granted clemency in August last year and released from prison weeks later. He said “The best day in prison is the last one.” Greg Mingo is an incredible person, who has not let the injustice of his sentence discourage him from improving his life or the lives of those around him.
Amanda Knox is an exoneree, journalist, public speaker, author of the New York Times best-selling memoir, Waiting to Be Heard, and co-host, with her partner Christopher Robinson, of the podcast Labyrinths. Between 2007 and 2015, she spent nearly four years in an Italian prison and eight years on trial for a murder she didn’t commit. She has since become an advocate for criminal justice reform and media ethics. She sits on the board of the Frederick Douglass Project for Justice.